Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tax hike would put Chuck over its famed Two Bucks

OMG this is horrible news. It makes me sad that I don't live in California anymore. Because if I did right now I would be organizing a protest at the Charles Shaw winery. For those of you not familiar with Two Buck Chuck, it is the most amazing wine, well actually it is just ok, but it is two dollars a bottle. To read the article from the Los Angeles Times click here. The abridged version is that due to a Schwarzenegger tax hike on wine the famed brand will be force to raise the prices on their bottle of grape goodness. More bad news in this time of economic uncertainty. Isn't anything sacred? I guess it wouldn't be so bad if we had to call it Three Buck Chuck, but we'll all know it wont be the same. Below is my favourite passage in the article. It is a quote from Jamie Kaiser, a resident of Huntington Beach.

"I would still buy it," Kaiser said as she loaded a case of Charles Shaw Chardonnay into her car, "but it seems like they are just taxing everything now and nothing with the state budget ever changes."

True the budget never changes, but keep loading those CASES of Chuck and you can probably sleep through the next few months of upheaval.

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