Tuesday, June 23, 2009

KDT and me

Rolling up to the shop

Definitely not my best angle

Hey it's Wade

Opps, look busy it's the boss - Mike P.

For all of you who don't know this is a totally hilarious picture. Mike, the boss, broke some irrigation line while he was "workin" in the Cat. So Mike and Wade are working on how to rectify the situation, but mostly they are just standing around.

Josh, super babe. Total jail bait

There goes Ash shovelling rocks, you go Ling

Nick, the Aussie

Adam in the excavator

Big Al, he's the strong silent type.

Here's Connor, he looks thrilled to have his picture taken eh?

There's Tom, our favourite foreman with the stump-grinder.

Kris, another Ontario native

Jason, looks like he's working hard.

And I didn't get one of Drew, cause he was away our last week, so instead here's one of Jenny. Jenny is Drew's super sexy station wagon.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

More from Kelown-s

The District ep. 7

I have been super negligent about putting up The District, so I'll be sure to get the last three up here in the next few days.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

This is some Edith Wharton, Age of Innocence shit

Interesting article in the Style sections about Ruth Madoff's fall from New York grace. The gist of it is that she has become public enemy number one and has been ostracized by individuals and businesses alike. She can't even get her hair highlighted! I don't know why, but it makes me feel bad for her. I am torn because I understand why people, and New Yorkers in particular, demonise those who profit fraudulently on the backs of hard working people and charities. But why does a hair salon or restaurant that have no or limited personal connection to the events feel the need to vilify this woman. I mean how cruel, to her and us, she is going to have horrible roots.

I Love you Bill Cunningham


A Walk in the Woods

Big Trucks and Bobcats

Move Bitch get out the way

Adam's truck

Me drivin' Blue, the dump truck.

Wade -rs

Ash in the Bobcat

Keeping up with the Jones

Party and Bullshit

We're gonna party "like" it's your birthday

Happy Birthday Lauren!!!! Look you're on the cake

And one for Cam

Ash and I went to see Blue Rodeo in Penticton

At the OK Corral

Yup that is the bull riding. No I did not ride the bull.

Ain't this some bullshit

Whiskey Sour Sunday!

Payday party with the KDT crew and Lo.

Jason, Drew, Adam and Al.

Isn't Adam a babe?

Aww they're so cute.
