Thursday, January 29, 2009

Better get out to Brandeis

More bad news for the Art World. Brandeis University has announced that they are going to close their prestigious Rose Art Museum. And to make matters worse they are preparing to sell their entire collection. The Rose's collection is estimated to be worth 350 to 400 million dollars, but could fetch far less in the current art market. This is such seriously bad news that it makes me want to get down to Mass. before the University can follow through with its rape and pillage. Of course the Times is quick to point out that the University is going to face stiff opposition and that the State's Attorney General is investigating whether the sale is legal. But even if it is, anyone who knows anything should be trying to dissuade Brandeis, not only because it is financially stupid but also because it means that one of the most important collections in New England is going to be dispersed all over the globe.

image courtesy of the New York Times

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