Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lost should be called, What?

I know so many people who can't wait for the new season of Lost, (aka What? - I mean that island disappeared people.) I tried to get into it, watched about 2 1/2 seasons before that damn magical island made me want to kill myself, and the entire cast. But it seems there are still crazy fans out there. Every time I see the trailer for the new season someone I am with inevitably starts freaking out. Fuck, who cares. Anyway for all those fans out there Lost (What?) starts again tonight at 8. I will be at the AGO, having drinks at the Frank.

Thanks Lauren for the post title. Lost really should be called What? However, that doesn't absolve you of your ridiculous love for this piece of crap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jack Shepperd is the hottest man on the planet. and Lost (what?) is really very good as long as you keep up.
thanks for the blog shoutout...u know how much i love them.