Monday, June 23, 2008

Sharron's Party

Sharron Matthews is a local cabaret performer/actress. She has also been a Fashion Crimes client for a while. We exclusively dress her for her cabaret act. I had not seen her perform until this past Saturday, and she did not dissapoint. Her show is so funny, and she is such a talent. I hope that she posts her cheater medley on you tube so I can post it for all of you. And I also hope that she finds a way to add Smell Yo Dick by Riskay to the song (just a thought.) It always amazes me how small the world is, that I met this amazing talent through Fashion Crimes, and I hope that she and I can collaborate in the future. I think that she would be amazing as the Judy in Wood, which some of you know is a new musical that I am working on bringing to Toronto.

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