Thursday, October 9, 2008

Who is this guy, and could we possibly be related?

So you know how sometimes you go online for something specific and things spiral unexpectedly from there, until the next thing you know you are in some obscure part of the Internet and looking at something slightly wrong. Ehem, I am not talking about porn - you don't find porn unexpectedly people. Anyway, today I was shamelessly googling people I know. And I can upon this guy John Mattimore of the Dartmouth Lacrosse Team. Now, it may be just a coincidence that he goes to Dartmouth, the same school that my Grandfather, Father and Uncle call their Alma mater. It might also be a coincidence that we have the same last name, but he has an uncanny resembles to my Uncle Bryan. It makes me wonder if his family is originally from New York City, like my grandparents were, and what, if any, our relation might be?

PS I think John Mattimore is kind of cute. Ok that's weird. Well Go Big Green!

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