Sunday, October 3, 2010

In honor of my birthday!

October 1st was a wonderful day this year. Not only did I celebrate my birthday but David Johnston was sworn in as Canada's Governor General. Sources report, "Prep has returned to Rideau Hall with the swearing in yesterday of Canada's new Governor General, His Excellency the Right Honourable David Lloyd Johnston (Harvard, Cambridge, Queen's) and his wife, Her Excellency Sharon Johnston (UofT, Western, McGill)."

And he has impeccable credentials

"At Harvard he was the captain of the varsity hockey team and she is an avid horse-riding enthusiast. Together the Johnstons own Chatterbox Farms, an equestrian center outside of Waterloo... he had a sterling career as an academic and author (prior to taking office he was the President of the University of Waterloo and the Principal and Vice Chancellor of McGill before that. He has also served on the boards of directors of numerous corporations including Seagram's and Canada Trust.

O yea and they don't like him in Quebec, labelling him an "adversary" to the Independence movement. Boy they are really testing the mileage on that old joke.

So it seems the position of Governor General is secure again. We wont have to worry about any more questionalble outfits at State funtions. Happy Birthday indeed!

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