Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Project time

Since being let go, (more on that when I can put it eloquently) I've had a lot of free time on my hands!  This of course has prompted me to get into home repairs.  I have done lots of great stuff around the apartment including, winterizing my planters, fixing dents and scratches in the walls and counters, and painting.  But the really big project is re-upholstering my couch.

The budget is tight so I am going to do the upholstery myself.  

While researching I found Bubba!

This one is going to be really useful for me

And this one is just my favourite.  Bubba is fantastic.

This morning I went down to Queen West and picked out some amazing off-white vinyl fabric at one of my favourite places on Vanauley St.  Total cost with two extra yards was $32 bucks.  Crystal is going to help me make pillow tomorrow with the extra yardage.

I also arranged to rent an upholstery staple gun from Stephenson's.  If you ever need trade equipment, big or small, and you don't want to buy it, Stephenson's is the place.  I was hoping to take it with me, but they didn't have the right staples. However, they promised to order them in first thing, and sure enough I got a call later today.  I am going to go pick everything up tomorrow midday.  The rental is gonna run me about $30 dollars as well, staples included.  They guys there were so helpful and service was exceptional.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Words of wisdom from Bubba, "some of them are lightweights that don't need to be in most situations." Amen brother, amen!